

Jade Forest is a multi-resource martial arts training facility. We offer core curriculums in the Praying Mantis and Bak Sil Lum (Northern Shaolin) styles of Kung Fu as well as programs in traditional Yang Style Tai Chi and the rarer internal Liu Ho Ba Fa system. In addition to our regularly scheduled classes, we also host renowned guest instructors on related martial and healing disciplines for workshop / seminar presentations.
Shaolin Training with Shi De Cheng
Shaolin Monk, Shi De Cheng, Join us at Jade Forest Kung Fu & Tai Chi of Rocklandfor 10 days this past October. They were seminars on kung fu basic training, more advanced kung fu forms, tai chi, Qi Gong, and other techniques and skills. We look forward to having Shirfu. Join us again in the future. For more information on future seminars check us out on Facebook or contact Sifu Scott Jeffery at sifu@jadeforestrockland.com.
FAMILY FUN DAY - Saturday, November 10 - 12 00 to 3:00
- 12:00 -Free balloons, temporary tattoos, and snacks!
- 12:30 - Performances by Students and Instructors: Lion Dance, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Belly Dance
- 1:15 - Free trial Kung Fu Class
- 1:30 - 3:00
- Free Arts & Crafts, Liza P is AND MORE!
In the January/February 2009 issue of Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine you'll find two articles written by Sifu Jeffery. read more...
Pick up your copy of Kung Fu Tai Chi TODAY!
-- On stands till the end of February 2009--
Jade Forest Rockland is now on Facebook. If you're a member, search "Jade Forest Rockland" and become a "fan"!
